November Newsletter


P.O. BOX 19760

DENVER, CO 80219

November 2023

Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses

Praise for those who have accepted Christ while doing a Set Free Bible Study:

Coleman accepted Christ doing “God’s Word is Truth”

Andrew and Erin accepted Christ doing “Greatest Man Alive”

Aaron and Brandon accepted Christ doing “You Can Live Forever”

Mario accepted Christ doing “Born to Win”

 Please pray for all the inmates who have come to a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus – Especially those who asked for prayer 

Jason: requests prayer for himself and for Alejandro who lost his preborn son.

Nicholas requests prayer for the Lord’s guidance counseling and a Christian attorney and for immigrants’ needs.

Stephen:  Hello and God Bless!  I have been with you guys for almost 3 years now and I am so thankful to have you to teach me the Word. 

Anthony:  Thank you for the opportunity to help me grow more spiritually. Thank you so much. God bless you all who help the lost, broken and confused, and the hurt.


Chun: Q: What are you doing to feed and encourage your new nature?

A: “By regularly reading and studying the Bible.  I can always find some area of my life to work on and improve.  It’s through this process I often find myself starting a new process or changing an old habit.”

Jack:  Q: Are you lost or are you saved?  How do you know?

A: “I understand I can’t do it alone.  I understand now who God is, and what the power of god can do.  He loves me and wants me to turn from the way I once was living – immorally.  I am saved and now eager to continue walking with God in His light, because I know now His path is secure and will never lead me astray or wrong.”

Coleman: Q: Explain how and when you were born into God’s family

A: I overdosed on drugs when I was 18 and ended up in a rehab where I started to learn about God.  I accepted Christ as my Savior before I left there. Praise be to God.

I was homeless, using drugs and prayed for a way out. That way came with being incarcerated.  Going to jail saved my life and has allowed me to glorify God.

Stephen:  Q: In what ways has this course on Christian growth helped you to grow?

A:  This course has really shown me the importance of having a personal relationship with God.  Without that there can be no real growth

 Director’s Comments

This letter represents my last one as the Director of Set Free Prison Ministry. The blessings of this ministry far outweigh any one person and I am confident that with the good people currently in place, the ministry will go on as long as the Lord allows. I wish to extend my gratitude to Thomas who will remain on as Interim Director. Nonetheless, this ministry will still need a permanent Director. This is a tall order as this is an unpaid ministry and must rely on the treasure of time given by volunteers in all positions. That said, we are hopeful that God will raise up one to take over the position of Director.

Intervening between the last newsletter and now, is the horrific situation in the Middle East. This has been heavy on my heart. The treacherous attack on Israel has ignited a tragic war. Let us remain mindful of the terrible costs of this war. The world was witness to the atrocities carried out by terrorist, and the world remains witness to the consequences of that barbarity. This is the continuation of an ancient conflict and, as Believers, we can understand in ways that many may not, what the eventual outcome will be. May we understand the Promise of redemption that God extended to the descendants of Abraham. May we also remember and mourn the loss of life among the innocents on either side.

In the end, may we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as well as the peace that this world can only find in our Lord, Jesus Christ.   May we remain vigilant, looking up for our salvation and busy with the Lord’s work. 

God’s Blessing, Grace and Mercy to all

Brian Wilkinson



December Newsletter


October Newsletter