December Newsletter
P.O. BOX 19760
DENVER, CO 80219
December 2023
Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses
Praise for those who have accepted Christ while doing a Set Free Bible Study:
David accepted Christ doing “You Can Live Forever”
Leanne accepted Christ doing “God’s Word is Truth”
Mario accepted Christ doing “Born to Win”
Please pray for all the inmates who have come to a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus – Especially those who asked for prayer
Victor: Q: Identify at least two truths you were previously unaware of or that you have been particularly reminded about and what they mean to you.
A: I haven’t left a true inheritance to my children, but of course it’s nothing I can give, but I must model it before those watching my every move. When I look into the truth of Rom. 8:28-30, I praise God that His saving work stretches from eternity past to eternity future, that He is patient and His love is endless. It allows me to glorify Him even greater through the change in me.
Miguel: Q: How has what you’ve read in the Bible affected your attitude toward sin?
A: “It has made me repent and ask Jesus to save me and be more like Him every day.”
Unknown:: Q: Describe one way God has dealt with you which you can now recognize as part of His plan to bring your life more into line with what you have in Christ
A: Before I became a Christian, I was always ready to retaliate with my fists. Now that I am a Christian, the Lord has been giving me a loving way to respond to any offense..
Christopher: Q: Are you saved? If so, write briefly about when you received Christ
A: Yes, 21st June 2022 at 9:5 pm. After Bible study on that day, I went to my cell in Broomfield
County Detention center, I got on my knees and prayed to Lord Jesus to forgive me of all my sins I committed and asked if He would be my personal Savior. Sometime, I noticed changes that slowly kept occurring. I read the Bible and grow every day.
Arnold: Course on 1 Corinthians, Q: Paul in vs 18 says the message of the cross if foolishness to those who are perishing. Why do you think this is?
A: Christ leads to life. Christ is to live. Now that I know God and His son, I am living. Before I knew Him I was slowly killing myself, as are those that do not believe the message of the Cross.
Director’s Comments
Greetings and God’s Blessings to all. May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you . Even in the midst of the storm we can gaze upon the Lord from where comes our help. He is our peace.
In this season of joy and celebration, we can rejoice in the abundant goodness and thank Him for His bountiful blessings – especially His gift of grace. Were it not for His grace, the darkness and depravity of this evil world as we have been witnessing would overwhelm us, and the sting of death would hold us captive to its power.
Let me use this time to thank God for every volunteer in every area of this ministry including our prayer warriors. I like to give a shout out to Brian Wilkinson who did a superb job leading this ministry for close to three years. Also, I had the privilege of working with Leonard Dare who started this ministry and John Lopez who was the director from 2008 to 2020. John had a servant’s heart and led the ministry until it pleased the Lord to take him home.
As we approach Christmas and the new year, on behalf of all the volunteers at Set Free I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
“ Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. “ 1 Corinthians 15:58.
Thomas Kapp
Director (Interim)