January Newsletter


P.O. BOX 19760

DENVER, CO 80219



January 2024

Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses

Praise for those who have accepted Christ while doing a Set Free Bible Study:

Sage accepted Christ doing “Greatest Man Alive”

Please pray for all the inmates who have come to a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus – Especially those who asked for prayer 

Thomas: Regarding Bible Doctrines lesson: I loved these studies in Doctrine of the Bible. Thank you always. I look forward to 2024 and studying God’s Word with you.

Wayne: Requests prayer for God to help him reconcile with his sons and daughter and to restore his marriage.


Robert: Q: In what way has this lesson caused you to thank God for His great salvation?

A: Everyday – if it wasn’t for his intervention, I would still be in my sins and most likely never know salvation; never know the peace, love and joy I now am very thankful for everyday.

Q: Tell about one victory you have had over temptation.

A: Because of the saving grace of God, I no longer have craving and desire for my addictions – they have all gone. I’m fully aware and feel it when Satan tempts me, but, I do pray and the

power of Jesus scares them away.

Arnold: “The Letter of James” Seeing God in your circumstances

A: I am isolated from family and the world. God broke me all the way done. First, was the mention of divorce. Then all my lifelines were severed. The first caused me to take a long hard

look at myself. I did not like what I saw. It was as though God revealed me to myself. This began the change process in me. The life lines cut off. That taught me to be humble. These

Bible studies are like God in the flesh. Thank You!

Victor: Q: How did God use the power of the gospel in your life to bring you to the point of trusting in Christ for your salvation?

A: I truly needed to get out of my own way to understand the fullness of the gospel. Yes, I trusted Jesus Christ as Savior, but not Lord. I believe myself to be intelligent, but it’s never

about smarts, it’s all trust; coming across like Luke 14:4 “being humbled to be exalted”; Luke 24:45 “He opened their understanding that they might comprehend the scriptures” and

John 8:9 “those who heard it… convicted by their conscience”. I was lying to myself. I needed to bow my knee.


Director’s Comments

As we begin a new year, let us pray that each of us will heed the words of apostle Paul in Romans 12:11: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” NIV

In the coming days, we may have new challenges, ups and downs and even persecutions. But brothers and sisters are facing at different parts of the world, but as king Jehoshaphat said in

his prayer, let us keep our eyes upon Him. All that He has purposed will surely come to pass, and it is pure joy to be able to play a part in the accomplishment of His eternal purposes.

I want to thank you all for your prayers, generosity and partnership in this ministry that God has entrusted to us. My heart is filled with gratitude for all the dedicated volunteers at Set Free.

They are serving the Lord as they serve others.

Set Free Prison Ministries in Colorado operated for more than 30 years rent-free. But now paying rent for each month may become a burden in the future. But, this is the Lord’s ministry

and I truly believe that He will continue to provide through the generosity of His people. One of the real rewarding moments of our work at Set Free is when we read the testimonies of

our students about how God changed their lives through this ministry. That is because the purpose of Set Free is to lead people to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to

help them grow spiritually and enjoy the freedom they have found in Him.

“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. “ John 8:36

Thomas Kapp

Director (Interim)




December Newsletter