We at Set Free always give thanks to God for the expressed salvation of an inmate.

Recently there were 3 inmates who told us they had accepted Christ,

Zach and Andrea while studying the lesson The Greatest Man Alive

and Leroy while studying You Can Live Forever.

Lorenzo has been studying the first lesson Born to Win but hasn’t committed to Christ yet.

Please pray for strengthening of the faith and protection for these new Christians.

Cody wrote to the volunteers at Set Free,

“Thank you for the work you guys do! You have been a huge help in my journey. God is good

and may He bless your organization abundantly!”

The volunteers responding to the inmate's lessons are so very blessed by their answers.

The following are responses to the questions in various Set Free Bible lessons:

Carey responded to, “Are you the self-righteous older brother or the repentant prodigal?”

Answer: “I am the repentant prodigal. I thank Him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our

Lord because He judged me faithfully, appointing me to His service. Though formerly I was a

blasphemer, persecutor and insolent opponent I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly

in unbelief and the Grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in

Christ Jesus.”

Evan answered the question, “How have you responded to the conviction of the Holy Spirit? ”

Answer: “When I got arrested it was not only the courts that convicted me of my crimes but

also the Holy Spirit as well. When it was all said and done, I responded by repenting and

confessing my sins and accepting Christ as my Savior. “

Tyler answers a question from lesson What The Bible Teaches

Question, “Which 3 things would you pick about God to describe Him to someone who knew

nothing about Him?”

Answer: “Love, Just, Power. If you don’t know God’s love for you, you cannot understand God.

Just as His justice is through the Bible and through life. And in order to understand God’s ability

to love and be just, one must know how powerful He is.”

Martin answers the question “Tell how you came to the point of trusting Christ?”

Answer: “Well, I’m a prisoner as you know and I needed something in my life that can help me,

which no human can, so I looked to God and His way and now I have the Holy Spirit who is with

me. I am never alone.”


Director’s Comments

I am not discouraged ….. because whatever the persecution and difficulties that I have

seen, I also see that God is actually working. “

The above quote was taken from “ The Voice of the Martyrs. “ Those words were spoken by

a missionary working at a place where Christians are being persecuted every day for their

testimony. This is true in many parts of the world. But God is at work ! We should be very

thankful for the freedom we have ( it can change at any time ) in this country.

Apostle Paul writes in his epistle to the Colossian believers, “ Devote yourselves to prayer,

keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving ; praying at the same time for us as well,

that God will open up to us a door for the Word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of

Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to

speak. “ Colossians 4: 2-4 ( NASB ). Your prayers are so important for this ministry and we

need your prayers.

Thank you for being such a vital part of this work that God has entrusted to us. We value

your partnership and will keep you updated. Please pray that we will not only help others to be

better equipped to give an account for their hope ( 1 Peter 3:15 ), but that we will grow in our

love for Christ and have a greater desire to share the Gospel with those who are perishing and

to see lives changed for eternity.

I thank God for providing generously for the needs of this ministry through an amazing team of

prayer partners and financial supporters who make this work possible.


Thomas Kapp

Director (Interim)



March 2024 Newsletter


January Newsletter