March 2024 Newsletter

   The LORD is my Shepherd. Psalm 23:1“Not was, not may be, nor will be. The LORD is my Shepherd. He is on Sunday, on Monday, and through every day of the week. He is in January, in December and every month of the year. He is when I’m at home and in China. He is during peace or war, and in times of abundance and poverty. “ 

Hudson J Taylor, founder of China Inland Mission, now Oversees Mission Fellowship International

JOY: Jesus, Others, Yourself 

Our inmates, shepherded by the Lord, respond in joy in their completed lessons:Evan writes:

“When I got arrested it was not only then courts that convicted me of my crimes but also

the Holy Spirit as well. When it was all said and done, I responded by repenting and confessing my

sins and accepting Christ as my Savior.”

Carey writes: “The repentant prodigal (1Timothy 1:12-14)

I thank Him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord because He judged me faithfully,

appointed me to His service. Though formerly a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent I

received mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief and the Grace of our Lord overflowed for me

with faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

Cody said: “Thank you for the work you guys do! You have been a huge help in my journey. God is

good and may He bless your organization abundantly!”

In response to the question “How important is the Bible to you?” Roger wrote:

‘Up until about 6 months ago I respected it but never really read it. Now it’s very important to me it

has changed my life.”

Question “Which 3 things would you pick about God to describe Him to someone who knew nothing

about Him?” Answer from Tyler:

“Love, Just, Power. If you don’t know God’s love for you, you cannot understand God. Just as His

justice is through the Bible and through life. And in order to understand God’s ability to love and be

just, one must know how powerful He is.”
One more response to a lesson question: Tell how you came to trusting Christ?

Answer from Martin: “Well, I’m a prisoner as you know and I needed something in my life

that can help me, which no human can, so I looked to God and His way and now I have the

Holy Spirit who is with me. I am never alone.”


And we give thanks to the Lord for those who accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior in February.

Leroy and Ernesto were saved while doing “You Can Live Forever”

David while doing the lesson “Who Is Jesus Christ?”

Zach and Andrea while doing “The Greatest Man Alive”

Please pray that these people will be protected and that their new faith becomes strong.


Director’s Comments 

“Our enemy wins if we misunderstand the battlefield, spending our resources on lesser objectives, fighting and clawing for things of this world instead of working for God’s glory.  Our enemy wins if we allow the message of Christ to be weakened or corrupted in order to make it more palatable to the whims of the fallen world.  And our enemy wins easily if we are loud about other things but silent about the goodness and greatness of our Lord.  Let us take our places alongside our persecuted Christians by being bold, faithful and joyful witnesses86 for Christ --  to our children, neighbors and a lost world. “  ( quoted from Voice of the Martyrs ).

 We are already in the middle of March!  The year seems to be picking up speed.  The Lord has blessed the beginning of this year with more students added to the rolls and two new volunteers.  One of our volunteers and his wife just came back from a very fruitful mission trip to Israel.  They together with other members of a medical team ministered to the migrant workers from China.  30 people made professions of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.   Praise be to God.

 I want to thank each one of you for your part in this ministry whether you are a chaplain, donor, prayer warrior or a volunteer. You make this work possible.  Our God is always faithful!

Thomas Kapp

Director (Interim)



Student Activity

Number of Active Students (last 90 days)    346

Institutions                                                         46

Courses Sent this Month                                 457

Courses Graded this Month                            285




