PO BOX 19760 DENVER CO 80219
Setfreeprisonministriesco.org Setfree.office2022@gmail.com
July 2024
Spreading the Gospel through Correspondence Courses
“I was in prison and you came to visit me ... I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”. (Matthew 25:36, 40
If Jesus were on earth today, would we find Him in the prisons, talking and dining with criminals and outcasts? Of course we would. He would be there "to seek and to save the lost!
Quote from Prison Fellowship Ministry
Samuel’s response to the question “Are you Saved?” In the lesson What The Bible Teaches
Yes, I am. I received Him in a jail cell and although I did not see Him, He gave me forgiveness through a dream, and I will continue to trust in Him on my way to prison.
Hi, I wanted to take a brief moment to express my gratitude for your part in grading and replying and sending more of this correspondence course. I am sure
you are already aware how it positively can impact people in my position. So, thank you and God bless. I really enjoyed some of these so far and the messages they inspired me to continue to meditate on.
Very truly yours, Randy
Response to the Question What Christian book has been helpful to you?
The Bible and these study books I get from you. They have showed me the reason why
my life was always upside down. They showed me how my life should be! Darcy
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I would like to thank you for your dedication to your Emmaus Study Course. They have been a huge part of my learning.
I am completing a Doctorate in Christian Counseling with an emphasis in drug, alcohol, and gambling addiction. The study course How To Succeed on the Streets by
Dick Hopkins has been one of the most effective for me and those that I counsel at the Lincoln County Detention Center. As an inmate at this facility, I have the opportunity
to assist with 2 to 3 church services and 2 to 3 Bible studies per week and I have been utilizing this particular study guide for guidance. The Chapter “Find a Paul,
Be a Timothy” has been one of the most successful sessions that I have presented. Thank you for your time and dedication to bringing God’s Word to Western Nebraska
Respectfully, David Cooper
From Matthew Thank you for all that you do. Without Jesus I would have no one. But now I also have you and for that I am grateful.
You are truly a gift from God.
“ Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the
glory of God. “ Quoted from “ ON BEING A SERVANT OF GOD “ By Warren W. Wiersbe.
I love that definition of a ministry. We have the divine resources God has promised in His
Word. We are and should be the loving channels of God’s love. That includes the volunteers,
prayer partners and financial supporters of Set Free. The greatest human need is the salvation
of their souls. It is all to the glory of God.
The testimonies you read in our newsletter every month are evidence of the difference this
ministry makes in the lives of the inmates through these loving channels. Praise be to God!
Again, I thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Thomas Kapp
Student Activity Number of Active Students (last 90 days) 419
Institutions 44
Courses Sent in June 423
Courses Graded in June 295