August Newsletter


P.O. BOX 19760

DENVER, CO 80219

August, 2024

Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses


The following testimonies are for all who support Set Free Prison Ministries.

God bless you!

 After completing the lesson “How To Succeed On The Streets”, Gabriella writes,

“First off, I’d like to thank you for the program. I’m not sure if any of you have been to prison but it’ awful to be away from loved ones. I was in a very dark place

and didn’t want to do anything but sleep. These Bible studies are what makes my days. I’m now on many classes as well. I see God opening so many doors for me. Thank you and God bless”.

Byron writes, after completing “The Greatest Man Alive”,

“Thank you for allowing me to take this course!  I am forever grateful to be closer to God and Jesus Christ. This helps me more than I could ever explain with words!  Kind regards”

Randy writes, “Thank you for your time and your efforts to grade, mail and provide these courses. They are helping with each and every course find my way and improve my chances of

being a good father, Thank you for your time”.


76-year-old Gary after studying “God’s Blueprint For Your Marriage” write

“This was a spiritually difficult course for me to get through, but it has shown me what my life could have been like.  I spent a lot of 

time in prayer and drying my tears but I know there is someone out there I can help using these lessons.””


Gary said, “II have been in a struggle with trying to study. I have not stopped believing in Jesus. I fell away and thought I wasn’t learning anymore. That is when God showed me

just how wrong I was. After a long time, I finished these 2 lessons and still have “Plant My Feet On Higher Ground” to do. I love these studies. Have a blessed day.”


An inmate’s response to the question asking him to express his trust in God.

“Jesus, as much as I don’t like prison, it has given me the opportunity to get to know you. I trust this was your purpose and I trust you. Moving forward, let me continue

to study your Word and bless the people at Emmaus and Set Free Prison Ministries for keeping me in the Word. Amen!”


Brett accepted Christ doing “The Greatest Man Alive”

Jeremy came to know Christ while doing “You Can Live Forever”


Please pray for Douglas when in court he will be found accountable for only misdemeanors and not the felony his wife is charging him with.


 “ O soul, are you weary and troubled?  No light in the darkness you see?

There’s light for a look at the Savior, And life more abundant and free!

 Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face;

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace. “

                                                                                        By,  Helen H. Lemmel

 What a joy  it is to know and experience the fact that in spite of everything that is happening in this world, we as His children can turn away from everything else and fix our eyes on Jesus!          

Thank you all for your prayers and financial support for Set Free prison ministry.  That is what keeps this ministry going. We pray for you as well.   May God bless you.     MARANATHA!

 Thomas Kapp



