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Our Set Free student testimonies keep pouring in!!
Brian wrote, “How I came to Christ was this last incarceration that I have dealt with. I believe that for a long tome Jesus Christ was trying to get my attention,
but I was living in sin. When I came to prison, I started reading God’s Word and getting Set Free lessons and my relationship with God began.
I have started doing HIS will as He started revealing Himself to me “
John wrote, “Before I trusted Christ, I did not know Him. I had heard of Jesus Christ, but I knew nothing about Him nor had any relationship with Him.
My life was a mess, and I did not know where I was headed. I, like many people, did not really know Jesus was real!”
Raymond wrote, “Thank you. All the Set Free Bible studies help me greatly. They guide me every day to grow and I know the Lord walks with me.
Thank you so very much for being there for me and everyone you are helping. I am very happy to
have been able to do these studies. They have given me better clarity and have learned a better perspective of what I can do to be more successful
in my studies, my prayers and my path in following the Word of God.”
Scott in response to Bible Doctrines lesson asking the question how Christ’s high priestly ministry in meaningful to him wrote “I have been learning
more about how to live a better life in prison (my suffering) than on the streets. I now have obedience not only with myself but with my salvation and God, my Savior. “
From Zacharie, “I am writing this note to express my deep gratitude to you for the beautiful comments and words of encouragement you have been
sending to me along with the graded exams. You truly help me to make a step forward into a better understanding of the studied subjects.
Thank you very much for all you do to guide and support the learner that I am. God bless you all.”
We give thanks and praise for the salvation of our students who have given their lives to Jesus through these studies:
Justin in the study of “Greatest Man Alive”, Quinterrous while studying “You Can Live Forever “and Ray also while studying “ The Greatest man Alive.”
This morning while I was thinking about that horrific day which we simply call 9/11, a day we can and should never forget,
a verse that came to my mind is found in Jeremiah 17:9, “ The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick ; Who can understand it?
But, it was so encouraging to listen to the Words of our Lord in John 16:31. At the end of His family talk with His disciples whose hearts
were clearly troubled, He said, “ These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation,
but take courage; I have overcome the world. “ Yes, He is our peace and He is the Prince of peace.
The Lord continues to bless us with this great work at Set Free. We are grateful for all our faithful volunteers, prayer warriors and
financial supporters. Thank you in the name our Lord Jesus Christ.
In His service, Thomas Kapp
Active Students (last 90 days) 401
Institutions served this month 46
Courses graded this month 293