January Newsletter
January 2025
Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths you are there.”
Psalm 139:7
What amazing testimonies we receive each week from the inmates studying God’s Word!
Nicholas. The Greatest Man Alive.
I want to thank Emmaus and Set Free Prison Ministry for all that you do for us. Your courses, guidance and love are greatly appreciated.
I pray that we all remain focused this holiday season on the true meaning of these celebrations and that we may all glorify God in all we do.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, May God bless you and continue to express His unyielding Grace and Love in all of our lives! Amen
Vincent, Doing Time With Jesus
I truly enjoy the Emmaus courses ya’ll have been sending. I want to become a pastor leader in my own ministry working with Celebrate Recovery,
AA, N.A. and other recovery groups. Please keep the lessons coming. I share them with others frequently
God bless, Have a spiritually momentous day!
Jeffrey while responding to a lesson question
The Bible is important to me because it’s teaching me about God and Jesus and how I should be and not be. It’s teaching me to be more like
Christ, to be the new me and not the old me.
Anya, Assurance of Salvation
Dear Father in Heaven I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything, including my prison sentence which has opened my eyes and
brought me close to you! There is no better gift than Your love.
Matthew studying the Book of Matthew
I’ve learned the Kingdom of God is one of the hardest places to get in. In fact, it is so hard that it is impossible for me to do it by myself.
Thankfully I know a guy who can help. I will be in forever debt to Jesus. I can never repay what He has done.
An inmate who answered what he had learned from the prayer of the leper
A short humble and submissive prayer. If you do not believe you will not get help. Acknowledge your sin and be specific.
If it’s your will, make me well from my sins and sickness. I praise Him with the good and the bad. He will make the bad be a greater good in the end.
These inmates have asked for prayer
Quinteros is in lockdown. Pray for mercy
Don, safety for his son who turned 20 on 12/23
Another Don in prison for life but knows he is God’s child
As we have come to the NEW YEAR, I was thinking of the words Joshua spoke to the children of Israel,
“… for you have not passed this way before “ (Joshua 3:4).
We know who holds our future and who is leading the way. Great is His faithfulness!
A few weeks ago, we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “ What could be
more fitting, more meaningful and more beautiful than for Jesus, the Bread of Life, to be born
in the House of Bread ( Bethlehem). “ Quoted from Zion’s Hope. Here at Set Free our heart’s
desire is to share the good news about the Bread of Life to those who are incarcerated.
Last year, as in previous years, the Lord really blessed this ministry. All the work we do at Set
Free was made possible by the volunteers, prayer warriors and those who help with financial
support. Thank you all and let us continue being faithful until He takes us home. MARANATHA!
Thomas Kapp, Director
Number of Active Students (last 90 days 391
Number of Institutions involved in December 45
Number of Courses sent in December 400
Number of courses graded in December 265