February Newsletter

“Adorn yourself with God’s Word.” Titus 2:10

Karina accepted Christ while studying I’ll Take The High Road.

Brian received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior while doing the lesson, The Greatest Man Alive.

Anya was saved after studying the lesson Who Is Jesus Christ? 

Upon graduating 3 of our students received an Award Bible.

In response David wrote “Dear Set Free. I was not expecting this GORGEOUS Bible!  I promise it will be used faithfully and often. T
hank you, Thank you, Thank you, and may God continue to bless your wonderful ministry, David. “
And, after receiving his Award Bible, Thomas wrote, “Mr. Kapp and SFPM, Thank you for all you have blessed me with!  If my studies 
are through, I will be thankful for what you did for me!  If not, I look forward to many years of study with you and the Lord, Thomas”
And Frank received an Award Bible and wrote “Thank you very much for everything. It has truly been a blessing in my walk with the Lord.”


In gratitude Randy wrote, “Thank you for your time mailing, reviewing, and commenting on all of the materials. It is so refreshing to

have something to immerse the mind and soul while being stuck in a place like this. Thanks for everything, Randy” 


In The Set Free studies

Thomas answered a question about anger in the study Proverbs For Life, stating he didn’t deal with anger very well. He says,

“I was angry at myself and took it all out on myself, total self-destruction. But Christ pulled me out of that black hole and has

given me a new life with no anger, ALL Love!”

David’s response, in his study of Getting God’s Perspective wrote his own prayer. “All belongs to You. You are the one that allows

or decides who gets what. Knowing You is good. Being under You is good. For You I am grateful. Thank you for calling me into your field. Amen”

He also stated that He turns to God daily. “If not for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit I do not know. They are everyth

     Ernesto in studying the Spanish Lessons on Assurance wrote, “But brothers, I am an older person, 42 years old and am here in Denver.

I am dying myself working only on my liberation from Denver Prison. Brothers, let me tell you directly here in Denver me don’t want to die

inside prison. Me want my liberty, freedom from Denver. Let me tell you sometimes here inside of prison me have joy with the presence of Jesus Christ.”

                In the study of Matthew Dedrick answered the question Are you a. citizen and subject in Christ’s kingdom?  “To love the enemy

is a challenge to me. I grew up gang banging and violent and lost a lot of friends and family members to that lifestyle and I’m trying to

learn to love those who have caused that hurt and pain, yet it’s hard but I’m believing it can be done through Jesus Christ.”


All of us at Set Free are humbled and grateful that the Lord is using us and the materials we send every week to sow the seed of the Word in many lives. 

I am also deeply thankful for all our ministry friends who have faithfully supported the work at Set Free all these years. 

Your faithfulness to the Lord and generosity to this ministry made it possible for us to continue touching lives for Christ.  Please continue praying for us.

“Rejoice always;  pray without ceasing;  in everything give thanks;  for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”      1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

 Thomas Kapp



Number of Active Students (last 90 days                     340

Number of Institutions involved in December              42

Number of Courses sent in December                       444

Number of courses graded in December                   273



January Newsletter