December Newsletter

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. For His lovingkindness endures forever.”         

 Psalm 107:1 

 Please pray for Quinterrous to remain close to the Lord and stay committed.

And pray for the following inmates who are receiving lessons from Set Free:  

In the study lesson question “Are You Saved?”  Jeffrey wrote, “Yes, I am. When I was down on my luck and very depressed,

I came across a sign in front of a church with the message that described all my problems.  I gave them all to the Lord right

then and never looked back. “  He went on to say the lesson has made him appreciate his faith even more. It has also

humbled him too. “Thank you, Father, Abba. Amen.”

Matthew wrote about his personal relationship with Christ. “He is the rock that broke me down. Without Him I can not or will not

continue. Only with Him am I worthy to do anything. He is my Lord and Savior and I owe Him more than anyone owes me in this life.

He is my Redeemer and protection.”

In the lesson The Gospel of John Jessee wrote a prayer responding to the suffering of Jesus. “Lord Jesus, thank you for being

numbered with the other transgressors in death and burying my sinful life with you so I may be counted as the Righteousness

of God by your sacrifice. Thank you for being our Lamb and looking to you gives us life. The serpent may bite

our heels, but we can bruise its head and not taste death. Thank you, Jesus.”

            Kevin wrote in response to the question about Christian love and service as described in Romans 12:9-21. He said, “Revenge is,

r least used to be the hardest command to obey. I used to have a rule of 10 to 1 payback revenge. It didn’t quite work out for me.

Forgiveness is so much easier. Now I let God handle that.”

In what ways has the course on Christian growth helped you grow? Thomas responded “It helped me understand so many things

that were wrong – things I thought were right because I learned them from the world.”


Notes of The Lord’s Victory in changed lives:

Justin “They will see how Jehovah has put me into the fire and remodeled me onto the man I’m supposed to be.”

Darcy. “I was sinning, but when I read the Bible, I began to stop and get rid of those old habits. Once I read the Bible,

it didn’t leave me there sinning but took me along the path that led to God.”

David “ I was arrested and went to church the next day in jail and was challenged to read the Bible and did.

I prayed the prayer of salvation and it’s amazing so far.”




Another year has almost gone by so quickly and looking back at what the Lord has accomplished through Set Free,

we can all say “ thank you Lord for your faithfulness. “  The Lord has brought many to Himself through this ministry . 

Praise be to His name !

 We are living in momentous days – and quite possibly, the last days.  He is coming!

“ For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us ;  And the government will rest on His shoulders ;  and His name will be

called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of peace. “     Isaiah 9:14

As we celebrate our Savior’s birth, let us remember those who are incarcerated whom we are serving through this ministry. 

Let’s also remember those around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Him.

I personally want to say thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry and it will be great to see what

the Lord will have in store for us next year.  It certainly has been my privilege working with you all as a team and I am looking

forward to the coming year, God willing.         MARANATHA !


Thomas Kapp                          Number of Active Students (last 90 days)      391

Director                                   Number of Institutions involved this month   45

                                                Number of Courses sent this month               400

                                                Number of courses graded this month           245


January Newsletter


November Newsletter