November Newsletter


PO BOX 19760


November 2024

Spreading the Gospel through Correspondence Courses 

I had to fall to rock bottom and Jesus was the Rock at the bottom”

                Daniel, an inmate studying Lessons for Christian Living

Please pray for the following who gave their life to Jesus in Bible Study:

Daniel and Frank while studying The Greatest Man Alive

Quinteros while studying One Way One God

Cole while studying You Can Live Forever

And Pray for Joseph’s suffering daughter and for their relationship to be restored


In answer to the question How do you deal with anger, Thomas, while studying Proverbs For Life wrote, “Not very well.  I was only angry at myself and took it out on myself, total self-destruction. But Christ pulled me out of that black hole and has given me a new life with NO Anger, ALL LOVE!!!”

Kevin, while studying Growing As A Christian, answered a question related to Christian love and service in Romans 12:9-21as the hardest for him to obey. He said, “Revenge is, or at least used to be, hardest command to obey. I used to have a rule of 10 to 1 payback in revenge. It didn’t quite work out for me. Forgiveness is so much easier. Now I let God handle that.”

Justin wrote, “They will see how Jehovah has put me into the fire and remodeled me into the man I’m supposed to be.”

An inmate wrote in response to a lesson, “I was arrested and went to church the next day in jail and was challenged to read the Bible and I did. I prayed the prayer of salvation and it’s amazing so far. Life has not been like a walk in the park but now I have a purpose to live.”

In response to the question What ways has the course on Christian growth helped you grow? An inmate responded, “It helped me understand so many things were wrong, things I thought were right because I learned them from the world.”

Jeffrey answered the question In what or whom are you trusting for salvation from your sin? by writing “I trust in our Lord Jesus Christ trusting in Him fully and with complete faith.  Salvation is all but guaranteed to us through Him.”

Randy writes “Thank you for your time mailing, reviewing and commenting on all of the materials. It is so refreshing to have something to immerse the mind and soul in while being stuck in a place like this. Thanks for everything.”

Darcy wrote, “I was sinning but when I read the Bible I began to stop and get rid of these old habits. Once I read the Bible it didn’t leave me there sinning but took me along the path that led to God.”


“ Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. “        2 Corinthians 9 :15 

“ … always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father. “           Ephesians 5:20 

“ We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you. “         Colossians 1:3 

As we celebrate the thanksgiving holidays this year with our family and friends, let our thanks be directed to God as we read in these verses.  He should be the object of our thanks.             As always, I am thankful for all your prayers and financial support.  The Lord has blessed us beyond our expectations and has answered our prayers for the ministry.  We see souls saved every month which is the primary goal of this work.  As you think about your year-end giving, I hope you will consider Set Free Prison Ministry which will be a great investment for the furtherance of His kingdom.            



Thomas Kapp,   Director.


Number of Active Students (last 90 days)      401

Number of Institutions included this month   40

Number of courses sent this month               458

Number of courses graded this month           269


December Newsletter


October Newsletter