August Newsletter
P.O. BOX 19760
DENVER, CO 80219
August 2023
Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses
Please pray for all the inmates who have come to a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus – Especially those who asked for prayer
John H says: God has used you in a great way in leading me to Jesus and continues to use you to refine and build up my faith. Thank You!
Praise for those who have accepted Christ doing the Set Free study: Luis accepted Christ while doing the Spanish course “El Hombre Mas Grande”
Robert: Response to the question, In what or Whom are you trusting for your redemption from sin?
“I trust God in adverse situations rather than murmur and complain. God is greater Most of all…Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior is in my heart and soul. I love Him and our Heavenly Father, God. Thank you both!”
From Keith. Q. Are you saved? If so briefly tell how you received Christ.
A. “I am. I was a church-goer. ( I picked up the elders & kids mostly from the Indian
Reservation). I was the bus driver and drummer. I was 17 but had been in church most of my life. I had brought 6 people to a revival meeting and realized I was lost. I picked up people hoping they would accept Christ; instead, I did that day, 24 years ago.”
Brittany: “zaI have come to the point what I realize “my way” is getting me nowhere, so I must completely turn my will over to the Lord. I no longer lie, cheat, sneak around or use drugs. I gave it up because I saw how it was destroying my life and nothing good has ever come out of it.”
Kevin writes: Q: Does God love you?
A: Yes, God loves me. Even when I was a sinner, before I knew God, Christ bore my sins, died and was resurrected. Furthermore, He ordained me to receive the Gospel despite my sin.
Q: Do you feel the need of having your own sins covered?
A: “I feel the need badly because my soul longs for God no matter what sin I am occupied with. I need Christ so that I may be reconciled because I caused separation from God.”
Christopher Q: How can you honor God today?
A: “I am thankful and grateful that I was delivered {the lesson) Born to Win. My old cellmate filled out an (enrollment) card requesting the first book in the course. It was hand-delivered on 7/29/23. It is 7/30/23. I started reading the Holy Bible 3 days prior to receiving Born to Win.
Everything is falling into its own place.”
Greetings. Following will be a synopsis of duties and responsibilities of the volunteer position of Director for Set Free Prison Ministries CO,NE,WY.
Hands-on ministry functions primarily occur in the AM hours on Tuesday and Wednesday. Lessons are prepared, distributed and discipleship occurs on Wednesday. The Director is to oversee the overall operations of ministry functions which are greatly advanced by hard-working, dedicated and Godly volunteers. The Director is guided by the advice and consent of a five-person Board of Directors. The Director liaisons with partner organizations and churches, to include Doing His Time Prison Ministries, The Denver Rescue Mission and Youth for Christ (the youthful offender chaplaincy program), Christ Church Denver, Red Rocks Baptist Church, Lakewood Bible Chapel, Fellowship Chapel, Clifton Bible Chapel and Boulder Bible Chapel. At times, the Director is called upon to speak at church functions and other community groups, write letters, correspond with facility chaplains and facilitate, through consensus, direction and vision for the organization. This is God’s ministry and the financial and volunteer assets, focus and mission, are of primary concern as the Gospel finds its way into the hearts and minds of the incarcerated.
As I step down in December, we pray for God to raise an individual dedicated to the mission, with a heart for service and the flexibility, skills, knowledge, abilities and desire to perform the described and general functions as Director. We welcome inquiries and you can check out our website at There is also a power point presentation that will be downloaded onto the website in the future.
Brian Wilkinson, Director
Set Free Prison Ministries, CO.WY.NE.