July Newsletter
P.O. BOX 19760
DENVER, CO 80219
July - August 2023
Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses
Please pray for all the inmates who have come to a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus – Especially those who asked for prayer
Dwayne for his health and anxiety and depression and is just beginning the Set Free Bible Study.
Wayne who is “down” for 6 years, married for 35 years with grown children and his wife wants to move on. He stands on the permanence marriage and knows he will love his wife until death He is studying “God’s Blueprint for your Marriage”.
Eric responds to the question of what he thought of Judas. He was very selfish, foolish, and deceitful. It amazes me how Jesus knew yet still loved him and that we should do the same. I’m facing that now with Christian brothers who have done me wrong. As long as we are here things like that will happen. Can’t wait for the Kingdom of Heaven! In this lesson I love how you have personally applied the heart of Christ to an unfair situation.
John ‘s testimony in response to a question in his study about staying clean and sober:
“I have tried many times in my life to get sober and sometimes it was for a while. But since being born again I’ve not had one
craving or idea about using. I truly believe God has taken away my addiction from me and replaced it with addiction to God’s Word. Drugs have never given me this level
of peace, joy, and love of life. People at home and people living with me in jail have all witnessed a dramatic change. God has been so gracious with me. He did it, not me”.
From David. Q. How has Jesus, the Bread of Life, satisfied you?
A. ‘He has given me hope for the future. I will always be labeled an “excon” as long as I live on the earth. My future is greatly limited….on the earth. Afterwards, I will be as snow, white, clean as the holiest man in the Holy Land.
From Jana, someone who received Set Free lesson books on the “outside “
“Thank you for allowing me, an outsider, to take part in these studies which were shared through telephone conversations with inmate Goad. The books and tests were interesting, challenging and extremely helpful in fostering incentive and perseverance!!! Through the efficiency and faithfulness of the Set Free staff and volunteers, the constant encouragement and comments and excellent record keeping, we were enticed to keep at the studies faithfully learning to love God’s Word and to become more personally acquainted with our Father, Savior Jesus, and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Many, many thanks to all and especially to John, my mentor”.
Greetings, I have much to convey and little room. First off, I hope for God’s blessings to all and I pray that this letter finds all well among our supporters, volunteers and students. Life has changed dramatically for me and I will take this opportunity to inform you that I will be stepping down at the end of 2023. My wife and I are seeking retirement in Arizona, where I hope and pray for ministry opportunities. The Board will be seeking a new director. Imbedded in our website will soon be an application process. My time with this wonderful ministry will draw to a close. However, since the ministry is not mine, nor does it rely on one man, I am confident that we will find a suitable and called replacement. One thing the board has been preparing for, is succession, recruitment and training. The recruitment of a director will become part of a larger agenda that will include the immediate need for an additional board member, as well as the eventual need for a new assistant director. All these positions in need of filling are volunteer. Job descriptions and responsibilities, as well as continued recruitment efforts will be shared as we post these needs on our website. This ministry belongs to God. It will continue to be shepherded through God’s calling.
God Blessings on all our brothers and Sisters. We will talk again soon.
Brian Wilkinson, Director
Set Free Prison Ministries, CO.WY.NE.