March 2023 Newsletter

From Inmate Bustaman to Set Free Volunteers:

Thank you to God, Thank you to you that you guide me, teach me, train me, mentor me for my spiritual

growth. I feel closer to God than ever. You find a good seed. The seed need water and

nutrient so the seed can grow and bear fruit. May God bless you.

Thank you.

Respectfully, Bustaman

From Inmate Michael to “Brothers in Christ”

I would like to respectfully request to begin the correspondence course. I’d like to

become closer to Jesus. I need to change my life before it is too late to do so. I have a

beautiful family, wife, 9 moth old baby girl, one on the way. Obviously, the way I have

been living is not working for me. 47 years old and in jail again. First time in my life I

am crying out for help.


From Inmate David to Set Free Volunteers

Thank you for the lessons! I was raised in a Christian family ever since I can remember

but when I was in 6th grade we moved to Michigan. I fell in love with the wrong

crowd and ended up spending much of my life addicted to drugs and alcohol. I wanted

to see and experience “LIFE” on my own terms, so God let me. I spent my life

partying and in broken relationships. I was always in and out of jail for domestic

violence due to excessive drinking and drug use. I finally ended up here in prison and

this is where the Good Lord came back into my life, and I am more free now than I ever

was before outside. He has totally changed me and welcomed me back!


Praise God for recent salvations and victories!

Ralph was saved doing “You Can Live Forever”

Angel accepted Christ doing the Spanish version of “What The Bible Teaches”

(“Lo Que La Biblia”)

Both Anthony and Devin received Christ doing “The Greatest Man Alive”.


Wayne was married after 35 years while studying “God’s Blueprint For Marriage”!

Please pray for the following who requested prayer from Set Free supporters

From Andrea: Pray for continued faith and forgiveness & love of myself and my family. In 6 months

I will be out of jail and in supervised living so pray that I find the resources I need in the

northern front range CO area.

From Jason: I need prayers for hope in Jesus and encouragement and courage. This has been

a very hard time as I was denied parole and lost everything, and my grandma is

declining in health.

From Tommy: Pray for encouragement and Christian fellowship


God’s work in the life of Dusty


Testimony of Chris Mays, Director of Doing His Time Prison Ministry