God’s work in the life of Dusty

This is from an inmate who is requesting correspondence courses from Set Free and how God has worked in his life.

“I used to be a troublemaker, gang member, drug addict, alcoholic and more. I came to prison 10 years ago and was a knucklhead for about 7 years. Then God came into my life in a powerful way. I could not dey His existence. The Holy Spirit testified to me of Jesus Christ and told me to read His Word, so I did and it blew my mind how God gave me understanding for His Word and desire for it which I never had before. It truly was a gift from God and He baptized me in His Spriit. Since then He miraculously delivered me from drug addiction in one night in my prison cell when all the toxins and addiction sweated out of me and I’ve had no desire for drugs and alcohol since. The next day I walked away from the gang I was in, thanks to the path God made.

Since then, I’ve given my testimony to many because God told me to tell people what He’s done for me. He’s used me to reach many people with similar backgrounds. I even began preaching in the Church services at all 3 prisons where I have been. So many people loved it and I’ve never seen anything like it. God has been so good to me.

I have only been reading the Bible a little over 2 1/2 years, but i’ve read the Old Testament seven times since and the New Nestament between 15-20 times. I’ve spent a lot of time studying. I typically am in my Bible 3-6 hours a day. I am interested to see what kind of classes you offer. Thank you for your time. God bless you. “ Dusty M.


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March 2023 Newsletter