November Newsletter
P.O. BOX 19760
DENVER, CO 80219
“Spreading The Gospel Through Correspondence Courses”
Evidence of hope and salvation for Micah in his responses to a Set Free lesson:
Question: Are you saved?
I’m choosing now to trust in the plan God has for my life. I have faith that His plan for me is for good. I will never believe in anything else for my salvation.
Question: How has God shown Grace to you?
I lived as an alcoholic for 18 years of my life. There are more times than I can count when I or someone else should be dead because of my actions. God had other plans, He has the Grace to protect others and myself and He brought me to a place of recovery not only for substance abuse but for every part of my life.
Question: How has this lesson helped you understand more about faith?
This whole series has been a blessing to me and my time in prison. It’s been an answer to my prayers in needing a sign from God for my next purpose in life. I feel that He’s calling me to some type of ministry when I’m released. With this program I’m learning substance and truth in the Word. It’s showing me the study of the Bible factually and strengthening my faith by challenging my knowledge.
Question: Where will you spend eternity?
For the first time in my life I know that I’m spending eternity in heaven. I know because of my salvation that I accepted. I know because the Holy Spirit lives in me and I’m accepting more every day as a Jesus Christ follower forever. A hard lesson learned but a humble testimony in responses to questions in a Set Free lesson:
Basically, I’m good, I don’t belong here. Obviously, I broke a law maybe 10 years ago and with the evidence it should have been a hand slap. What I asked God regardless was to examine my heart. So I wouldn’t come under this bondage again. My intellect kept me toeing the line to the secular world but once I came to prison my intellect in reflection of Christ quickly brought me to submission. I know there is a wealth of Christian help out there, but I don’t have the time to cultivate new long term relationships so I’ve asked God to guard my heart so I can serve Him and reconcile with my loved ones. Prison is a part of my journey back to my family and by the guidance of God no one will stop me. I put my fingers in my ears to stop the noise around me and whole-heartedly chase after my Lord and Savior to everlasting life.
Please pray for the salvation of the following through the Set Free Lessons:
Jeremiah who accepted Jesus Christ while doing Born To Win
Robert who accepted Jesus Christ while doing You Can Live Forever
Yesoynia who received Jesus Christ in Born To Win.
Hoping all have a wonderful season. Even as this year has seen further loss among our volunteers, we are heartened by the fact that God promises an eternity with Him, through the grace and mercy granted us by our Lord and Savior. I apologize for the late report as I experienced an injury resulting in surgery and recovery at home. Unfortunately, the injury was debilitating to the extent that I could not write. I am grateful for the prayers, encouragement, help, and the skills of doctors that have brought me this far to recovery. Iexpect a return to the ministry by the second half of December.
Our first year at our present location is almost over. We have settled in and look forward to the years ahead. Our volunteers have worked hard to make this a useful and productive situation and we look forward to as long as the Lord grants us this space. We are rapidly moving ahead with our website and hope for a full launch by the end of December or the beginning of January. We invested in a web designer who is working closely with our staff. This technology will give us the opportunity for greater outreach, communication and networking. We are excited for the launch.
We continue to communicate the testimonies of those this ministry reaches, and we rejoice every time we receive a confession of faith. We also do not forget our benefactors, faith partners and chaplains in the help we receive as we do the Lord’s work. And, of course, we acknowledge that the success of this ministry is through the power and glory of the Holy Spirit who, as testified by many in the first century church, is taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Finally, as a house keeping note, we will be pushing out our year end reports regarding contributions. We have developed new reporting and recording procedures that will make this process much more reliable and efficient. For now, God Bless all of you and may the Lord shine His face upon you.
Brian W. Director, Set Free Prison Ministries, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming
Set Free Prison Ministry Financial Summary
POSTAGE $883.99
ENDING BALANCE 11/30/22 $11,364.87