PO BOX 19760




April 2024

Spreading the Gospel through Bible

 Correspondence Courses 

Dear Reader and Supporter of Set Free Prison Ministries,

Your support of Set Free is vital to its ongoing efforts to reach inmates. As evidenced by the  following letters. You will find encouragement knowing your financial, volunteer and interest in the ministry continue to reach those that our Lord Jesus Christ told us to minister to n His Name.  

Dear Volunteer,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Shaina and in 2018 I was arrested, and I found your program at the end of the year, Set Free Prison ministry. June of 2019 I received a 6 year DOC sentence Which was heartbreaking and taking me away from my three beautiful boys. But  during this time I never lost faith and I stayed in and started to realize that it was your ministry that changed my life.  It helped me grow my relationship with God. They help me restore relationships on the outside. And I'm free, living an honest life and I'm walking with Jesus. 

Recently my husband was arrested for a past crime that he committed that finally caught up to him.  He's currently in Arapahoe County Detention Facility and I thought he could benefit from this program.  I don't know if I'm talking to the right person or not but I would like more information on how he could get signed up for this bible study course that I took with you guys if it's even still available.

Thank you for your time!

God bless 💜


And again


Dear Volunteer,

Oh my, I just talked to my grandson and he received the first lesson’s material within a few days of my submitting his name. I am beyond impressed at your efficiency and commitment to those in prison. Now I hope he does the lessons and learns what God has for him while he’s in prison. I know it was no accident your representative at the youth conference where I volunteered in the kitchen heard my concern for him. I thank God for her and for your whole Bible school,


And Again

I first heard the Gospel through these wonderful Bible studies. That Green Card saved my life and has given me the “Good News” I needed in my walk with God!  Thank you SFPM!


(The “Green Card” is an insert in the lesson book for others to sign up for Set Free courses)


The following inmates have asked for your prayers:

Doris would like to be reunited with her husband

Joel wants prayers for his mother Rosemarie, son Joel, and girlfriend Karima Mery

Dimas asks we pray for him and his fellow prisoners and for his family and for his day in court that God’s will be done


Aris was saved while studying “What The Bible Teaches”




I am at a loss for words to express the gratitude I feel for the prayers and financial support to this ministry month after month.  As I have said before, without your support we could not do this work for the Lord in this capacity.  Truly this is the work of the Lord.  We are grateful for all the volunteers for their dedication to the furtherance of the Gospel and for helping the incarcerated to know the love of Christ.

Please, continue to pray for the chaplains and the students who do these courses.  As you read the testimonies of the inmates, you can see the fruits of your labors.

“ but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” (NASB)    1 Cor. 15:57-58.    AMEN!


Thomas Kapp

Director (Interim)




Student Activity    Number of Active Students (last 90 days) 370

      Institutions 45

      Courses Sent this Month 511

      Courses Graded this Month 345


