January Newsletter


P.O. BOX 19760

DENVER, CO 80219


Discipling Prisoners Through Correspondence Courses

Thanks Be to God for the Salvation of Amanda while studying The Greatest Man Alive Julie while studying You Can Live Forever

Please pray for Julie and Amanda that they grow in the knowledge of Jesus and Austin writes: I don’t know if anyone will actually read this letter or not, but I would just like to express my gratitude and say how absolutely thankful I am for the Bible study course. Because of this course I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I now realize the truth and I have never been more at peace. Say to whomever it may concern I just wanted to say thank you and God bless you. Austin

Letters of thanks from inmates: Dear Set Free Prison Ministries, I care to send my sincere thanks for your Bible correspondence courses starting with Born To Win. They offer useful purpose for my time. I look forward to the next service in what the Bible teaches. You’re much loved. I pray for you all. With the Mother’s love, The Son’s Peace & My King’s New Order LeStrange

And another grateful heart writes, These Bible studies have done wonders in helping me grow in Spirit and in the Word. I simply just want to say thank you for all you have done for me and for others around the world. Blessings, Sam

Dear Sponsors and other interested people reading this newsletter, Each one of you participate in these thanksgivings and requests of the inmates we receive letters from. We at Set Free are blessed and affirmed by their comments and we hope you feel a part of this community too. Thanks to each one of you for your support in hands on work, prayer, and/or financial support. You can see by reading these comments how much Set Free means to the inmates who are involved in the courses.


. Greetings, brothers and sisters. I am hopeful that the New Year is treating you well and that God’s bountiful blessings are evident in fruit and spirit. I have reflected since church service on Sunday about the passages we studied, in part, Colossians 1:3-5, “We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of your love for all the saints; 5 because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel…” . Faith, love, hope. This is what this ministry conveys to the thousands of students who correspond with our volunteers as they disciple the wounded in heart and spirit. Faith, love, hope; let us pray for that bounty as we continue our mission. If one remembers, over a year ago we launched a three-part mission and vision. We proposed that Venue, Technology and Training/Succession would be our administrative focus moving forward. Venue we accomplished, by God’s grace last year and have entered into a two year lease after our first year. Technology has been ramped up in anticipation of future changes in delivery of our lessons. In pursuit of this, we have launched our website, https://www.setfreeprisonministriesco.org. The site is still in its infancy but you can log in and take a small journey. Here we will grow our digital footprint and, with God’s grace, help spread the Gospel in a technological world. Here we will also host a bi-monthly blog. One blog for the newsletter and one for a guest. Here I hope for testimonies and spiritual insight. Please feel free to log in and browse. The third part of our mission and vision involves training and succession. For this, we have formed a team to put together a policy and procedure manual. The manual will be digitized. We have so many wonderful people performing a wide variety of functions in this ministry, it is imperative to capture knowledge, skills and abilities in an easily accessible format. We expect to codify our policy, procedures, operating guidelines, mission statement and training material in one place. Our team is pushing ahead and through their diligence and God given gifts, we expect to have our accumulated knowledge archived by summer at the latest. We will keep you posted. In the meantime, may our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ grant us success and may we prosper in the sure knowledge that Jesus saves and will bring in a tremendous harvest through the efforts of those who toil in the field of evangelism.

Brian W. Set Free Prison Ministry


Testimony of Chris Mays, Director of Doing His Time Prison Ministry


Jesus, Gentle and Lowly